The Koinonia Project

What exactly is The Koinonia Project? the word Koinonia is a Greek word that means Communion, Community, Joint Participation, and Intimacy. The word itself has been coined by Christianity and used as a religious term but our program will be suited for religious and non-religious schools, and we can modify the program and make a tailor-made solution to meet the desires of the school. With that being said the goal remains consistent with each client.  This is the sole intention behind our program. We have noticed a significant increase in mental health issues, depression, lack of connection, and lack of community in our school systems for years. This is between Students, Parents, and Teachers. It seems as if nowadays everyone is simply going through the motions of the school system and not seizing all of the opportunities they offer. We believe with our program that we will be able to solve many issues including student loneliness, lack of belonging, and lack of meaningful connections. 


Freshman Retreat

The freshman retreat will be a 3-day experience that will take place at the very beginning of the student's freshman year. This will be a more outdoor experience focusing on teamwork, leadership, and bonding. This will also bridge the gap between middle school and high school and allow students to engage with new faces. 


Senior Retreat

The senior retreat will be a 3-day experience that will take place in smaller groups and will focus on empathy, connection, and emotion. This will be a great way for students to be empathetic towards their classmates and will also help them reflect on their own experiences. This is meant to be an emotionally impactful experience that will carry with them after high school and into the real world.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the contract system work for The Koinonia Project, and what does it include?

Our program is set in a contract system. A school district will sign an agreement for payment for the four years of each graduating class and our program will work with the school and the students and manage all of the logistics such as transportation, locations, activities, etc. A new contract will need to be signed for each graduating class.

What sets our program apart?

Our program sets us apart from other retreat programs because it is engraved in the school system and we provide the experts who know how to conduct these events. Our faculty will get to know the students helping them get out of their comfort zone.

Why Should Students Be Excited About The Koinonia Project?

The Koinonia Project is a unique event that stands alone when compared to other schooling events. Students will be able to interact with one another in ways that they had never expected and can hope to find lasting relationships and life-long impacting conversations. The experience will help all students become more well rounded versions of themselves that they can carry into their college/high school career.

Connecting Minds, Building Community: Every School, Every Student.

Company Slogan

Contact us

Reach out to us today for a consultation on how we can elevate the experience for students in your school district.


Creative Problem Solving
Oxford, Ohio, United States